Welcome to the XPLANE Strategy Activation Kit resource page
Here you will find additional video walkthroughs, posters, and worksheets to use with XPLANE's Strategy Activation Kit.
Additional Instructions
Searching for additional instructions for using the Strategy Activation Kit? Check out the resources below for insights from our strategy activation experts.
Watch an introduction video to the Strategy Activation Kit
Learn more about what Strategy Activation is
Four Phases
For each phase of activation — Envision, Discover, Design, Execute — you'll find a sleeve containing a field guide, posters, worksheets, and tools to complete a series of workshops with collaborators. This series of video walkthroughs will help orient you to each phase.
Phase 1: Envision
Phase 2: Discover
Phase 3: Design
Phase 4: Execute
Four Phases Tools & Posters
Need more than one copy? Download more copies of the posters, tools, and worksheets found in the Strategy Activation Kit below.