XPLANE has long believed in the importance of utilizing design thinking for visualizing its own vision, strategy and culture – “drinking our own Kool-Aid,” if you will. In 2004 XPLANE created its first culture map – a colorful visual that clearly communicated to employees what our culture meant, what we aspire to be and the guiding principles to get us to that point. A few years later XPLANE conducted a strategic session that outlined the company’s three-year goals and the strategies needed to meet them. Out of this process XPLANE’s vision and strategy maps were also born.
Now, as we head into a new year as a recently re-launched company, we found it time to refresh our vision and strategy maps so that they speak to our next three-year set of goals. As a company XPLANE has also grown and evolved, making it time for an updated culture map. For the first time, XPLANE involved all employees in the development of the culture map. We considered what our aspirations are and reflected back on how we’ve evolved become over time. Over the course of a multi-day offsite meeting we clarified our vision and culture and the strategies needed to achieve both.
Like our culture, our style has also evolved over the years. The new maps are rendered in a new illustration style that is more updated and reflective of Portland’s alternative culture. The style also lends itself to screen printing and we’re excited to be collaborating with Portland Northwest College of Art for the actual printing of the new maps. Each of the new maps is proudly displayed in our Portland and Amsterdam offices.