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Sneak peek of the worksheet on the right; text to the left reads "Understand your audience to solve key pain points". Against a light yellow background.

Flip the script and put your audience at the center with our Five Frames Worksheet

Thinking like your audience is the key to get them motivated for change. Our Five Frames storytelling exercise quickly gets you into your audience’s shoes so you can understand how change will impact them. Use this exercise during the planning stage of your next change initiative to discover invaluable insights and create a compelling message that resonates — and gets people invested in and excited about your goals. Go ahead and grab some popcorn while you’re at it!

Download our free Five Frames Worksheet!

Play Video about On the right, Tim May, mid-sentence, sits in front of a pre-filled worksheet. To the left is an orange box reading "Five Frames Worksheet Walkthrough" with a preview of the empty worksheet below.