Tired of the endless debates that never reach resolution, there is a ridiculously easy fix for that. Walt Disney may have created the iconic mouse but his leadership philosophy is pretty noteworthy as well. Did you wait in line for hours for your beautiful iPhone 6 only to have to immediately cover it with rubber and plastic? Don’t fret; your iPhone can be protected and pretty!
A Simple Trick for Better Discussions
Want to skip the shouting and point scoring and actualllearn something from a debate? Try this.
Leadership Lessons From Walt Disney: Perfecting the Customer Experience
One of the simplest, yet most powerful and timeless leadership lessons we have learned from Walt is: “You don’t build it for yourself. You know what the people want and you build it for them.”
The Best Way To Protect Your iPhone 6 Without Destroying Its Design
Covering up an iPhone with a case is like wrapping an Eames lounge chair in bubble wrap. But if you had to fish your valuable, immaculate Eames chair out of your pocket or your purse 20 times a day, maybe you would. Obscuring a design is a small price to pay for protecting it from harm. Right?
Why Banks Need to Revamp their User Experience
The most interesting things happening in financial services are not happening in financial services. Thanks to a slew of new and older digital apps and websites, such as Apple Pay, Venmo, Square, Mint, and PayPal, kids can borrow money from their parents via text message or sign for a pizza delivery (including tip) on their phones
The Photographic Sketchpad: Craig Cutler Brings Science to Life
Illustrating National Geographic magazine science stories with photography can be a trying exercise. As a senior picture editor at the magazine, my process begins with exhaustive research; identifying key researchers; and finally contacting them to probe their wonderful minds (visiting them is even better). When this is complete, the translation of the science into the visual narrative begins and the collaboration with the photographer kicks in.
A New Technique For Creating More AHA Moments: The Surprise Journal
In some ways, framing things as a “surprise” is just a way to trick yourself into making the process of changing your mind less painful. “People generally don’t want to give in to evidence that they might be wrong–and I include myself here–because it is stressful to admit it, even to yourself,” she says. “It feels like acknowledging that you are stupid or that you have bad judgment or that you are less capable in some way. So of course it’s an unpleasant experience and we train ourselves to avoid it.”