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Welcome to The Strategy Activation Playbook's Worksheets page

If you’re looking for the worksheets featured in The Strategy Activation Playbook, you’ve come to the right place! Download all of them in one fell swoop by clicking the button below. Or scroll down a bit further to pick and choose the specific ones you want. 

Image of "The Strategy Activation Playbook" worksheet workbook cover on a desktop computer screen next to all 14 worksheets from the book.

Strategy Activation Worksheets

Thank you for picking up a copy of The Strategy Activation Playbook: A Practical Approach to Bringing Your Strategies to Life. We hope you found the tools, exercises, and methods mentioned insightful as you navigate your change journey.

As promised, below are downloadable versions of the individual worksheets mentioned throughout the book. Whether you’re looking for the whole kit and kaboodle (see the Worksheet Workbook above), or simply want to download a smattering of them, get the resources that’ll help you implement new strategies within your organization.

Happy downloading!

Strategy Activation Course

Ready to take the next step in your strategy activation journey? Check out our Strategy Activation course, where you’ll apply key learnings from the book in real-time. 

Plus, you’ll leave the course with a full draft of your unique strategy activation plan, in addition to problem solving and building relationships with other professionals who are navigating similar change challenges. Enroll in an upcoming course today!

A dome shape with “Strategy Activation” in white against a deep blue background. An icon of a yellow arrow sits on top of a blue bullseye icon below the text.

How can we help?

If you have any questions about the worksheets or about the course, please contact us. We’d be happy to help!